Monday, August 30, 2010

ANYANG - A suburb with all the city glory

 Anyang: my town :)

After a crazy busy weekend, I finally found an apartment. The Chungdahm branch I work for is in Anyang, which is about 20 minutes south of Seoul.

Once all of us newbies got here and were introduced to many of the other teachers, we were invited to the small potluck gathering that our faculty manager hosted at her apt. Saturday night. Everyone brought SO  many different kinds of food (mac n' cheese even made an appearance) and there was sangria (my fave!) and lots of liquor. Much needed after training/moving/mentally preparing for the year ahead.

When the sun went down in Anyang, we were surprised by how BRIGHT the town was. I have never seen so many neon lights in my life. Perhaps this well-lit bar/club area is a bit 'seedy'.. but shit, it's like NYC in Times Square. I can't wait to see drunk ass Asian people stumbling around.

As for how safe I feel, let me just say that after my first class tonight (yeaaaaa, I'm officially a teacher I guess?) I walked back to my block to hit up an internet cafe. It took me about 18 minutes and I didn't have to watch my back AT ALL.


On my way, the trail was all aflutter with over 150 people... exercising.
And this isn't my typical over-exaggeration. I counted AT LEAST 100 people + some. Just strolling along, getting their nighttime workout in. Couples walking together, moms and daughters power jogging, old men in slacks rocking out with iPods. Not to mention, I walked down this trail for quite some time, and stumbled upon a huge outdoor sports arena with TONS of people playing basketball...on the other side were a bunch of colorfully lit water fountains (think Millenium park) and plenty of families playing in them. It was awesome.

 Anyang Art Park: This city is home to tons of local artistry. Sculptures on every corner, it's amazing.

I'll post more pictures soon! Camera is getting fixed (crossing fingers)

So all in all, rest assured family and friends, I'm safe. I'm in a Seoul city-suburb, that is full of busy busy people and tons of nightlife. The crime rate is so low, I don't even see many police cars around. (and the ones I have seen don't look like they have much to do:)

Loves ya,

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