Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Just got my Flip Cam in the mail last week (^ this is the first video it uploaded to my comp. so pumped about the quality!) and have already started capturing some great classroom moments, after-work moments, and clubbing moments. Now it's just a matter of getting my MacBook to function properly when uploading the damn things.  I have no idea if this thing is just acting up because it's old... like 2006 old... or if I have done something to it.  If you have any advice, please let me know.

Here's a list of Sad Mac problems I have. I just got a brand new hard drive installed in August before I left for Korea.

-  Extremely slow "thinking"... I hate the spinning rainbow dial, but literally every time I click a different window or switch spaces, it has to THINK SO HARD.
-  Shut down the computer properly... although not every night. Usually let it go to sleep.
-  Having many troubles with iPhoto. My pictures disappear... my iPhone photo uploads freeze in the middle of the import... even when I click "Don't Import" for duplicate pictures, it still imports them... just so many issues!!!!!!!
-  I don't have SimpleText in my applications for some reason. Not ideal for what I'm trying to do with my website ideas.
-  Etc. etc. etc. It's slow.  And I just want it to perform better.

I feel like my only option is to buy a new Mac.  Ya?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Silly freakin Rabbit

Don't know when or where or how 2011 crept up and pinched me in the ass, but it did, and now I want to reminisce about the things I did in 2010.

1. Moved for the 3rd time of my senior year, to Lofts -->great decision
2. Road-tripped to PCB (Panama City Beach) -->great decision
3. Decided I should work overseas -->another great decision
4. Got a job overseas -->"Hell Yeah!" moment of life
5. Graduated -->meh.. 4 years, not enough. 
6. Worked in Chicago for a hot minute -->fun while it lasted
7. Had a crazyawesomefabulous summer -->I miss.
8. Threw a joint Grad/Going away party with the sis -->it ruled.
9. Moved to South Korea -->it rules.
10. Worked, played, snowboarded, started learning Korean, partied
til the sun was up, met amazing people, made amazing new friends,
and loved every second of living abroad again. -->to be continued in 2011...
