Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hollas to some Bloggas

BLACKOUT KOREA is EASILY one of my favorite blogs. You don't even have to LIVE here for it to be one of your faves, too. The content on this site is just purely priceless.... and the best part is, I get to witness it every. single. day. 

Yep, I spanked him. Nope, he didn't even stir. 

11pm. Blacked OUT at the subway station. Surely on his way
to the floor until this kind man brought him a juice.

DJ Milk n Cookies
roooools in my book. I bump their
shit on my way to work, in my
apt. (doing ballet believe it or not),
on the train, etcetc. They've got the
drive, the talent, and potential to
make a big name as Milk N' Cooks-
not to mention they got the look(s).

(*rhyming was a bonus)

I thought of my fave twinnies, naturally.

Cheesin' just brings me back to the days that were college. U of I is probbbbably one of my favorite places on U.S. soil, and since I've gone and graduated myself -- I occasionally overload on the Cheese. (*and I'm lactose intolerant, bitch.)
Good shit. Good good shit. GET SOME.
I not only get to enjoy numerous frat
star anecdotes, ratdog call outs,
Monday Merks, and hilar videos...
Cheesin' also got some photo skillz.

[This is Peter's photo of the Union] 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

More Korean Nightlife

Entrance Sign for MC Club. Seriously?
 MC Club was Friday night. Hadn't been there yet, was giving Clubby Bar Slang too much of my time, and wanted to see for myself just how Koreans get down to hiphop music. Well, they get down. And it was awesome. I loved how MC was not overtaken by foreigners (like us.) 

Freebird & Papa Gorilla

Freebird was a new stop in Hongdae, and it's right next to Papa Gorilla (my first Hongdae love fest.) My new girlie Becca has the ultimate hook up at Freebird and we were able to chill and drink after the live band was done performing. 
Papa Gorilla was cleaner this time! Not as much bar juice, not as many sweaty/passed out/puking people. Love it, love raging, love dancing, love the DJ.


I lost my wallet. Dammit, Hongdae. 

Still lovin life,

Monday, October 4, 2010

Korean Hospital Experience

Woke up this morning feeling great. I slept enough Saturday and Sunday to heal myself of my typical sinus infection at each turn of the season. I blew my nose and it was clear! (TMI?) Who knew sleep was so brilliant.

But then I walked to the bathroom. And was DAF. Dizzy. As. F*ck.

This unnatural dizziness confused me and I thought maybe there was some sinus infection backlash in my ears, causing crazy imbalance. But after having toast and some tea, I was still spinning like crazy.

I tried to get out of bed again to get ready for work, and the next moment was one where I wish I could have hidden cameras taping hilarious shit in my life all the time. I stumbled to the bathroom, looking utterly WASTED, gripping every surface on the way there so as to not fall over. At this point I was seriously out of a movie. 

Three inches from the bathroom, I got my footing ready for a small step down while simultaneously turning the light on. Apparently this was too much for my drunk mentality to handle. The second I swung myself around the doorframe, I fainted flat on my side, almost smacking my head on the door and definitely experiencing some blackout in there somewhere.

I knelt by the porcelain bowl, surely feeling intense nausea waves and spins the size of the Ring of Fire (yes the carny ride).

After this episode, I was freakin' out hardcore, so I went down the hall to Alex's room to have him call our boss. Thank GOD I have friends nearby. The boss said to go to the hospital ("But I don't have health insurance") and that someone could cover my class ("But I need the hours!") waaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh.

So all the while, I'm talking to my new Korean friend James online. He's like, Ok, I'll come take you to the hospital. (What a gem.)

Well, thank goodness he came with me, because not a soul in there spoke English. The only thing the doctor said to me was "Do you think you're pregnant?" hahahahahaha. What a laugh. 

James translated the entire check-up for me, and it turns out I was just severely dehydrated. The doc prescribed me some meds, including something for the sinus infection. Picked up the prescription on the 3rd floor of the building, very convenient set up they have here. And the pills come in packs like vitamins from GNC:
My Drugs

All in all, I have come to the conclusion that health insurance is not really necessary here. My doctor checkup was 10,000 WON (about $10) and the medicine was 5,300 WON (about $5). James said that I could get money back with health insurance, and I just laughed. 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Korean Foods Rule

Tteokbokki: stir fried rice cake (like a noodle texture)

Gimbap (like sushi)

Soondubuchigae: (soup) Rice, Tofu, Clams, Spices, Amazing broth

Korean BBQ... UNREAL. 

Omurice with Banana & Sweet Potato Croquettes
(Delicious rice wrapped in Egg and covered with a gravy sauce...Croquettes filled with heaven.)

Bibimbap (Rice with meat/veggies/tofu/seafood and other goodness)

Some of the best home made Udon noodles I've ever had

Amazing Sushi-- like art. Only $6! Crazy!

Full Shrimpage going on in my pasta.

Korean Pancake, or Pajeon. Ours had kimchi, octopus, vegetables, etc in it. SO GOOD.