Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Just got my Flip Cam in the mail last week (^ this is the first video it uploaded to my comp. so pumped about the quality!) and have already started capturing some great classroom moments, after-work moments, and clubbing moments. Now it's just a matter of getting my MacBook to function properly when uploading the damn things.  I have no idea if this thing is just acting up because it's old... like 2006 old... or if I have done something to it.  If you have any advice, please let me know.

Here's a list of Sad Mac problems I have. I just got a brand new hard drive installed in August before I left for Korea.

-  Extremely slow "thinking"... I hate the spinning rainbow dial, but literally every time I click a different window or switch spaces, it has to THINK SO HARD.
-  Shut down the computer properly... although not every night. Usually let it go to sleep.
-  Having many troubles with iPhoto. My pictures disappear... my iPhone photo uploads freeze in the middle of the import... even when I click "Don't Import" for duplicate pictures, it still imports them... just so many issues!!!!!!!
-  I don't have SimpleText in my applications for some reason. Not ideal for what I'm trying to do with my website ideas.
-  Etc. etc. etc. It's slow.  And I just want it to perform better.

I feel like my only option is to buy a new Mac.  Ya?

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